Saturday, January 26, 2013

Today I don't feel like doing anything.

Hay. It's been months since I've last posted. And as far as I can remember, it's been months since I have been this stressed. School works have gotten into my nerves. Being a student is never easy, especially when you are in a program which requires a lot of thinking, not only technically but also imaginatively.
     Way back my high school days, I used to dream of being a Civil Engineer. But as people say, life does not always go the way you want it to be. So I just let my self go with the flow, and now I am here, taking the path to being a future architect.  The path was never an easy one- you get to sleep at most two hours during "peak season" of plates, work with different sorts of people, meet various expectations, and experience failures for a number of times. But despite all the challenges, I know that at the end of this journey is a fruitful and successful life. So I am left with no choice but to strive harder and harder each day.
     The only thing that breaks my heart today is that I hardly speak to anyone anymore. It's not that I isolate my self- I just dont have the luxury of time to do so. The moment I wake up in the morning, I'll turn my computer on to work on my sketchup model. And then, I'll draft til the evening inside my cluttery yet brightly lit room (maybe the lighting makes me see the clutter even more hahaha). Everytime I take a break, the thought of the deadlines keeps on haunting me. So the end result: I'll just go back to work.
    I feel the huge need for someone to talk to. Someone normal, someone who can make me laugh, someone who can take all my worries away. And maybe, someone who can love me. You know, everyone needs an inspiration every once in a while ;)

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